by Collector's HQ | Feb 5, 2020 | Action Figures
Action figures are not cheap, and these days, it seems like they’re more expensive than ever. The short answer to why action figures in general are more expensive than they used to be is: Inflation. That seems like a generic answer that doesn’t cover every base...
by Collector's HQ | Jan 3, 2020 | Action Figures, Collectibles, Selling
Answer: They could be, but it depends on a number of factors: the specific action figures, the demand for those figures, the popularity of the franchise, and you—yes, you—the person doing the collecting. Are you considering starting an action figure collection as an...
by Collector's HQ | Sep 4, 2019 | Action Figures, Collectibles, Selling
Answer: Whether or not a specific action figure increases in value is largely dependent upon the figure. Some figures will show significant increase in value over time, while other will see little to no increase. Regardless, if you want your figures to increase in or...
by Collector's HQ | Sep 1, 2019 | Action Figures, Bionicle, Lego
Answer: Though there are a number of features common among action figures, there is no clear definition of what is an action figure, so there are a number of types of figures that fall into a gray area. Bionicle is in this gray area. Within action figure collecting...
by Collector's HQ | Apr 26, 2019 | Action Figures, Collectibles, Display, Maintenance
Answer: Photodegradation (from exposure to UV rays) and thermal oxidation (from exposure to the air) cause certain plastic mixes to change color over time. Something you’ve probably noticed is that certain action figures of yours that were once white have changed over...