Collecting action figures and other memorabilia related to different brands and franchises is becoming an increasingly popular hobby with adults. There are some who may be curious about the reasons why some people enjoy action figure collecting and may even want to get into it themselves.

Action Figure collecting can certainly be an enjoyable and fulfilling hobby; however, if you’re going to start a collection of your own, you may want to make sure you’re getting into it for the right reasons since it’s not cheap. You don’t want to start collecting just because its trendy with your peers.

So, what are some of the reasons people collect action figures? Well, there are a few that stand out, and we’ll go through them in as much detail as possible. If any of these reasons resonate with you, maybe action figure collecting is a hobby for you.


1. You’re a Fan of the Franchise, Brand, or Character


If you like something like Star Wars, X-Men, Transformers, Godzilla, etc.; collecting figures from that franchise can be your way of showing your love and passion for it. One of the most enjoyable aspects is completing the whole cast of characters from something that you love and displaying the figures all together.

Maybe you’re not interested in completing a whole case of characters. Maybe you just want to collect different version of one character. For example, there are multiple renditions of characters like Optimus Prime and Deadpool. You may just really like certain characters and want to have a collection of the various versions of that character that have been made over the years.

If you’re this type of collector, your action figure collection is a form of self-expression. Its your way of showing who you are to friends and family. That franchise, brand, or character is part of your identity.


2. You Like the Design and/or Functionality of Certain Figures


Maybe you are not really into any particular franchise, but you like the aesthetics/designs of certain action figures. Maybe there is a specific toy manufacturer that you feel just makes high quality figures. It could be the detailing, articulation, accuracy, or general aesthetics that draw you to certain action figures. Regardless, you just think the designs are fun and cool.


3. Nostalgia


If you owned action figures when you were a kid, chances are, those figures are in pretty rough shape now—if you even still have them. As an adult, many people enjoy collecting action figures to relive aspects of their childhood to escape from the monotony of adult life. Collecting action figures can be great way to do this. You might just want to buy the figures you had as a child, or you may decide to branch out and see what other figures might interest you.

As an adult collector, the joy you get out of those figures is probably going to be different than it was when you were a kid. You will probably enjoy posing and displaying them instead of smacking them into each other and bringing them into the sandbox.

When we were kids, there were so many cool looking figures that we had to miss out on because we just did not have access to money. We were dependent on our parents knowing what to buy for us for Christmas and our birthdays. One of the most fulfilling aspects of buying action figures as an adult is the fact that you actually can buy them now.


4. Collecting for the Sake of Collecting


Some people just enjoy collecting things and take pride in the rare items they manage to find. There are certainly plenty of action figures out there that are very rare and valuable.

Once a figure is no longer in stores, it usually becomes more valuable and the means to acquire that figure become more difficult. Some people may enjoy the process of hunting for figures and finding deals on rare and valuable ones. In cases like this, the actual process of collecting the figures is the hobby more so than the action figures themselves.


5. Collecting Action Figures as an Investment


There are some who collect action figures expecting to sell those figures later for a profit. Some rare action figures will substantially increase in price over time and owning a number of them could prove to be quite profitable.

Unless you are knowledgeable about certain action figures and/or a brand or franchise, you probably shouldn’t buy them solely for the purpose of a possible return on your investment. There are other things far better to invest in than action figures.


Make Sure You Have the Money


As I’ve mentioned already, action figures are not cheap. Some are more expensive than others, but, generally, the more quality the figure is, the more expensive it will be. Make sure you have budgeted the money out for your action figures. No action figure (or any hobby) is worth the accumulation of debt. Be financially responsible by making sure you have money allocated for buying figures, and then make your purchases. If you’re not in a position to comfortably pay for the figures, perhaps some time is needed to get on more stable footing financially.


People Can be Judgmental


If you’re an action figure collector, or a collector of any type of merchandise related to anything “nerdy”, you need to be aware that some people will just not understand. You’ll have friends, family, and coworkers who will probably make comments about how much money you are spending on “worthless” plastic toys.

It’s important to remember that it’s just their opinion and if they’re not interested in your hobby, you can’t expect them to understand. That being said, most people have some kind of hobby, and many times those hobby’s cost some amount of money. Some people spend absurd amounts of money on travelling for example. There is no reason why action figure collecting should be seen in a different light.

Luckily, times do seem to be changing and the general public has become more accepting of hobbies like action figure or comic book collecting, with many people in their twenties and thirties going back and buying the figures they once had when they were children.




I listed a few reasons why you may want to get into action figure collecting. Maybe you have a completely different reason for wanting to collect them, and that is perfectly valid. As long as you get joy out of your hobby, and no one is being harmed, than that is all the reason you really need at the end of the day.

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